FRAY_DEV: Building the Future Creative industries are powered by talent and originality. Our sector relies on the lived experience of the people who work with us to drive innovation and reach audiences with an authentic voice. If we are to create live experiences that connect with people from across the world, we need to welcome […]
In a post COVID-world for a fashion brand to survive they must have domain expertise in both the full fashion value chain as well as technology.
In an industry where there is a sense that we can do everything and see everything by bouncing around the world with endless resources at our backs there are times when it feels like we are going nowhere.
The people who put on your favorite shows do it because they love it. I can attest. It’s a life lived in the shadows: thankless, unseen, and hidden away in a wardrobe full of black.
Live events typically have three key ingredients: a gathering, a purpose and creating a moment in time. Many people are rethinking what the future of live events and brand experience might hold in a post-covid society.
One of the great promises of this new integration of entertainment platforms is to create ever more active, embodied moments which involve the whole of our physical and creative selves. The more flexible, spontaneous, and multifaceted the entertainment landscape, the more latitude of activity the participant will have.
This is a brave new world of real-time workflow, and while it has come leaps and bounds in recent times, it is far from a finished project.
The Tour Manager, shouting “Who wants to be the next person to tell me No”, turns around, and his eye fixes upon Phineas.