frame:work one year anniversary
On June 10th, 2021 – frame:work will host two online gatherings to celebrate our first year of community engagement. Join us to be part of our year two strategy planning.
Drop by to say hello or stay for both
frame:work is celebrating it’s first anniversary!
Thursday June 10 at 17:00 London/BST and again at 17:00 Los Angeles/PDT
Come join us for an informal gathering to reflect on the changes of the past year and how we can grow in the years to come. We want to hear from the community on the future ahead and how frame:work can support you getting there. Drop by for 20 minutes and let us know how you can support frame:work’s mission.
Plus we just miss your faces.
This free online event is open to anyone in the extended screens production community – content creators to projectionists, screens producers, programmers and their clients, or even the screens curious. Be sure to bring a friend or two.