How do we foster a culture of wellness in our community? We regularly work too hard, eat poorly, and spend time separated from our friends & family. We also do amazing projects and accomplish incredible tasks surrounded by a circus of like-minded misfits. How can we encourage each other to take better care of ourselves? How do we improve client awareness of the demands on our teams to make wellness a priority?
Many have responded to this sudden stop to our work life with sincere self-reflection on how hard we work. There is deep conflict facing the fact we need to earn a living, but do we want to go back to the working lifestyle we came from? Can we make it better?
There will be immense pressure from our clients to get back to work under conditions that are unhealthy for other reasons. What initiatives are active in our community to insure we can do our work safely during the pandemic?
Our panel will review wellness in our community both in this time and thinking about our future.